We keep associating hydration to weight loss.
Aren’t you tired of hearing: “If you want to loose weight you gotta drink your water”?
Water does not make you lose weight.
It’s a vital tool your body needs to FUNCTION properly. Once your body functions better, then, and only then, it’s easier for your body to respond to your needs.
Make sense?!
Ps: best way to know if you are hydrated enough is by looking at your pee. Dark?! Yellow?! Clear?! Smelly?! And/or if dealing with headaches. 90% of headaches are from dehydration.
Water isn’t the SOLUTION, it’s the KEY to the solution.
Here is a little extra tip about water: Cold vs room temperature.
If you can avoid putting ice in your water please do.
When dehydrated, a hot or warm drinks is what helps actually not icy drinks. Like a hot tea, hot soup or a warm lemon water, and of course the best of all an electrolyte drink. Go check my post about electrolytes to know more all about it.
Hope this little reminder/tip helps!
Have a Fit & Healthy day, and stay Hydrated.