
Events are free, but PLEASE register so we know how many people to expect for the event. Events are either in person or virtual.

2 years Anniversary

The Holistic Ann'venture will be celebrating its 2 years anniversary on August the 12th from 10 am til 12pm, and you are of course INVITED. Get your outdoor gear and water bottle ready because we are going on a commando Ann'Venture, aka outdoor bootcamp. ;) Please come and join The Holistic Ann'Venture community and let's have some fun together with some delicious homemade treats waiting for us at the end, and lots of prizes to win. This event is family friendly and it's by donation whether you can give $1 or $100. ;) Looking forward to celebrating with you there

Bike Ride Ann'Venture

Motivation, inspiration, exploration! There is so much world out there in Red Deer to discover! Time to get your helmet and water bottle ready, because we are going on an Ann'Venture to explore Red Deer's trails together. With your choice of 10km, 20km or 30km (each loop are different and around 10km) Come and join our community and let's have some fun together with some delicious homemade treats waiting for us at the end.. Register below to join this fun Sunday morning activity, you will receive a confirmation email with the location and all the details regarding the event. Looking forward to riding with you.

Indoor Climbing

This event is to all of you my Red deer Community, let’s meet and have some fun while discovering and learning new skills. The last time I indoor rock climbed was back in high school. No experience required, we are going for the fun & social part. More details coming soon!